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Canary Blog
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17 idées d'amélioration hôtelière que chaque hôtelier devrait envisager

Proposer des idées pour améliorer l'hôtel est un élément important pour maintenir et accroître le succès de votre hôtel. Cependant, lorsque vous manquez de temps, il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver des idées. C'est pourquoi l'équipe d'experts du secteur de Canary a dressé cette liste d'idées utiles pour améliorer les hôtels, que vous pouvez envisager.

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15 Important Hotel Metrics & How to Improve Them

Hotel metrics, benchmarking, and KPIs are essential for the success of a hotel. After all, guesswork can only get you so far in a highly competitive environment. By tracking and evaluating these hotel metrics, you will understand things like how your hotel is performing, how your rates compare to your comp set, and how operating expenses impact revenue. Together, these data points help hoteliers make informed business decisions regarding their properties.

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Customer Service in the Hotel Industry: 9 Ways To Improve

Your hotel might have a fancy pool, a well-stocked bar, or an out-of-this-world spa, but you won’t get far without great customer service in the hotel industry. Here are nine ways to improve it at your property.

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The Hotel Concierge: What They Can Do for Your Hotel & Guests

A good hotel concierge is worth their weight in gold because they give your property the chance to go above and beyond for guests. This helps you increase guest loyalty, earn more good reviews, boost your reputation and drive revenue. 

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Four Things To Plan for in Your 2023 Hotel Budget

It’s budget season! And 2023 is turning out to be an especially difficult year to prepare a budget. In this post, we’ll go over four budget items that hotel industry experts strongly suggest every hotelier include in 2023. Each of these are intended to address some of the most important real-world issues that hotels face today. 

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13 Hotel KPIs To Keep an Eye on To Ensure Your Property’s Success

Understanding your current and past performance is key to ensuring your property’s long-term success. Measuring and tracking hotel KPIs is the most straightforward way to do that. 

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How To Create a Hotel Guest Policy That Works for You & Your Guests

While the hotel guest policy is a dry subject, it’s important, nonetheless. ‍The good thing is that doing it properly once means you don’t have to worry about it until you significantly change something about your services. 

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10 problèmes, défis et solutions courants liés aux hôtels

Chaque hôtel, en fonction de son emplacement, de ses installations et de ses types de clients, sera confronté à un ensemble de problèmes quelque peu distinct. Quoi qu'il en soit, certains problèmes sont courants dans tous les hôtels, quelles que soient leurs différences.

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Front Desk Operations Tips for Hotel Staff Members

Front desk operations are crucial to the success of any hotel. Here are some tips from Canary's hospitality industry experts for streamlining and enhancing those operations.

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Types de chambres dans les hôtels 5 étoiles

Dans cet article, nous discutons des différents types de chambres dans les hôtels 5 étoiles et de la manière dont elles peuvent être présentées aux clients de manière facile à digérer.

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