13 manières créatives dont les hôtels peuvent réduire leurs coûts sans sacrifier l'expérience client
Toute stratégie de réduction des coûts doit dépendre de votre hôtel et être mûrement réfléchie. Voici quelques idées créatives qui permettent de réduire les coûts sans affecter l'expérience essentielle des clients.
Read MoreDépenses d'hôtel : 10 moyens intelligents de contrôler les coûts
Les coûts d'exploitation des hôtels sont difficiles, mais il existe des moyens de dépasser les attentes des clients tout en contrôlant les dépenses. Découvrez comment procéder ici.
Read MoreThe Latest in High-Tech Hotel Operations Management
Hotel operations management is a critical function that drives the overall success and profitability of a hotel. This article looks at both proven and new best practices in hotel ops.
Read MoreTop Tech Tools To Improve Basic Hotel Operations
Digital solutions can help your property optimize a host of basic hotel operations. This not only saves your team valuable time, it also opens the door to more personalized service, better reviews and increased revenue. And while it may feel like a bit much to implement them all at once, each of the tools mentioned here pays for itself in more than one way.
Read MoreHow Technology Can Reduce Typical Hotel Operating Expenses
Today, technology offers many opportunities to reduce typical hotel operating expenses. The right tech tools can be especially effective in addressing the biggest cost factors hotels have to deal with — labor and resource use. Apart from that, many of solutions also create new opportunities to generate revenue and delight your guests.
Read More6 Ways Housekeeping Departments Can Reduce Costs
In today’s economy, cutting housekeeping costs is crucial, but so is keeping your staff happy. It’s a balancing act, which means proper research before you make the jump is crucial. When planning, think up pros and cons to each decision and potential knock-on effects.
Read More8 Ways To Streamline Hotel Housekeeping Duties
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hotels across the world have found new and innovative ways to streamline their operations, and this includes the all-important category of hotel housekeeping duties.
Read More6 Benefits of Moving Operations from Paper to Digital
As COVID accelerates hospitality’s digital transformation, it’s clear many operations still rely on offline processes.
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