Canary Mobile Checkout drives 5-star hotel reviews by guiding your guests to leave reviews on Tripadvisor & Google. Plus, improve housekeeping efficiency by immediately informing staff when rooms are vacant.
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Contactless hotel checkout is a technology that allows hotel guests to check out quickly and easily without having to interact with the hotel staff on their way out the door. The process typically requires a guest to use their smartphone to remotely check out from their hotel via mobile self checkout. Many guests prefer this mobile checkout option of departing a hotel as it is more convenient than having to swing by the front desk, and hotels prefer it because it provides one final touchpoint with guests before they leave.
Contactless Checkout is important to hoteliers for a few reasons.
Firstly, it provides hoteliers with a real-time picture of which guests have left which rooms. This enables hotel housekeeping departments to better prioritize their efforts and turn rooms efficiently.
Secondly, it allows hoteliers to present guests with a satisfaction survey to see how they enjoyed their stay. Canary’s Contactless Checkout solution prompts any guests that leave a 5-star review to share their great experience on review sites like Tripadvisor and Google. This sort of mobile express checkout process can actually increase hotel Tripadvisor rating by as much as 350%.
Shortly prior to checkout time, Canary’s Contactless Checkout solutions automatically sends a link via email and text message to guests that enables them to complete the departure process. Guests simply select the time they plan to vacate their hotel room and are prompted to leave a guest satisfaction score.