Canary Wins Coveted Hotel Tech Report Award!

Stephen Alemar
Stephen Alemar
September 18, 2024
January 20, 2022
Canary Wins Coveted Hotel Tech Report Award!

Canary Technologies is very excited to announce that our Digital Authorizations product took first place in this year’s Hotel Tech Report Awards in the Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention category. Our team took home this award because 95% of 195 hoteliers from 12 different countries highly recommend Canary Technologies to their peers. 

Canary’s Contactless Check-In solution also received an honorable mention as a Finalist in the Contactless Check-In category. 

“We are incredibly proud of the entire Canary team and humbled by the overwhelmingly positive response to our products from hoteliers around the world,” said Harman Narula, Co-Founder of Canary Technologies. “Winning awards is fantastic, but what really matters to our team is knowing that we’re driving real value for hotels with our solutions, and this is borne out in the hundreds of reviews we’ve received on Hotel Tech Report.” 

The Hotel Tech Report Awards is the preeminent awards competition in the hospitality technology industry. According to Jordan Hollander, CEO of Hotel Tech Report, “This is the most comprehensive dataset around hotelier preferences ever developed and it gives unprecedented insights into tech trends for hotels during a pivotal moment in history. Winning a HotelTechAward is a huge feat with the 2021 competition being the most competitive year ever.  Every company on this list should be extremely proud of what they've contributed to the growth of the hotel industry.”

Below are just a few of the powerful reviews from real-world customers that propelled Canary into the top slot this year: 

“My favorite functionality of Canary is the digital credit card authorization forms. Before Canary we were still using paper, pen, binders in locked cabinets, with fax machines. Thank you Canary for making this innovative tool.”

“We love the digital authorization form. It is safer than paper forms, it is faster, and very easy to use.”

“The aspect that I like most about Canary would be the intuitive design. It is quick and easy for guests to upload payment details and, for us, to retrieve that information afterwards.”

For more information about Canary’s Digital Authorizations, Contactless Check-In and other value-adding hotel technology solutions, book your demo today!

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